VS Code File Explorer Indent Level

In Visual Studio Code the Explorer panel indents items under a folder by a whopping 8 pixels by default. That’s just not enough for my old eyes. When I went to the settings I couldn’t find the option to adjust it. Then I went a-googling and found some .css hack workarounds but those results were over a year old. A little more searching revealed that it’s now a configurable feature.

  1. Open the Settings (Code->Preference->Settings or ⌘, on macOs)
  2. Search with tree indent
  3. You should see Workbench->Tree: Indent
  4. Change the default value to one more to your liking. I found that 20 was a better balance of indentation visibility and horizontal space usage.

8 Pixels

With 8 pixel indentation

20 Pixels

With 20 pixel indentation