Rechargeable Batteries Can Save Your Sleep

9V Micro USB Rechargeable Battery

Ever notice that your smoke alarm 9V batteries always fall below the charge threshold and start beeping in the middle of the night? I’m not sure how they know what time it is but it never fails. About 18 months ago we replaced all our battery backed up smoke alarms with versions that had a 10-year battery life. We were therefore grumpily surprised at 3 A.M. to hear an all too familiar electronic chirp. Seems we forgot about our carbon monoxide detectors. I suppose every year I could just replace and throw away the old batteries but getting rid of batteries is a pain, and who wants to get rid of a battery that might still have a lot of life left? I recently discovered that they now have 9V Li-Ion rechargeable batteries. I know, I know, for a tech guy I can really lag behind the times. I really like that this particular battery has no external charger to store or lose. I just need a micro-USB cable to plug into the bottom when recharging time is nigh. I’m not recommending this particular model since I have extremely limited experience with it. I put a reminder in my calendar a year from now to go ahead and recharge these whether they need it or not. Here’s hoping for a year of un-chirperrupted sleep.